Hello, I'm FEYZANAZ AY and ÖZGE AY ! Since 2010, I've been immersed in the Cemre Vintage, continuing the family tradition with a passion for these unique machines. My stores, "Cemre Vintage" and "Eliz Vintage," are the embodiment of this dedication.

In Cemre Vintage, I bring you the timeless charm of typewriters that carry the traces of the past. Each typewriter has its own story, and I take joy in discovering and restoring these unique pieces to share them with you. It's not just a business for me; it's a passion to preserve the beauty of these technological marvels.

Eliz Vintage, on the other hand, is crafted for enthusiasts of the radio world. We curate a collection that showcases the history of radios and features unique models from various brands. Each radio not only reminisces about the melodies of the past but also adds a nostalgic touch to your space.

Both of my stores prioritize quality, uniqueness, and customer satisfaction. I invite you to explore the distinctive worlds of Typewriter World and Vintage World Radio. Join me on this special journey, where every item tells a story and brings a touch of nostalgia.

Best regards, 

Feyzanaz Ay


Cemre Vintage LTD.ŞTİ.